செவ்வாய், 11 டிசம்பர், 2012


Hiranya varnaa suchaya paavakaa,  Yasu jatha kasyapo yaswindrah . Agnim ya arbham dadhire virupaa, Tha na aapaa sam syona bhavanthu.

In this golden, pure and purifying, Waters were born Kashyapa and also Indra,  The fire God of various forms was also made by these waters,  And let these waters be full of bliss and make us happy.

Yaasaam raja varuno yathi madhye, Sathyanruthe ava pasyaan janaanaam, Madhuschutha suchayo ya pavaka, Taa na aapa syona bhavanthu.

The king Varuna is in their middle, Examining men for truth and falsehood, These waters are honeyed, pure and purifying, And let these waters be full of bliss and make us happy.

Yaasaam devaa divi krunvanthi bhaksham, Ya anthareekshe bahudha bhavanthi,  Ya pruthweem payasa udanthi shukrah, Taa na aapa syona bhavanthu.

These waters are the food for gods, They are found in various environments, These pure waters drench the earth, And let these waters be full of bliss and make us happy.

Shivena maa chakshusha pasyathaaapa, Shivaya thanuvopa sprusad thwachama may, Sarvaan aagnir aapsushadho huve, Vo mayi varchaa balamojo ni datha.

Oh Waters see me with your peaceful eyes, Oh waters, please touch my skin with your body. And oh fires, which exist in different waters, Please bless me with brilliance, strength and power.

Pavamanas suvarjana, Pavithrena vicharshanee, Ya pothaa sa punathu maa.

Those who purify live in the suvar lokaa (world) Let them, with holiness and thought, Along with deity Pota purify us.

Pnanthu maa deva janaa, Punanthu manavo dhiyaa, Punanthu vishvaa aayava,

Let the gods purify me, Let me be purified by manu and other learned ones, Let all human beings purify me.

Jaathavedaa pavithravath, Pavithrena punaahi maa, Shukrena deva dheedhyaath, Agne kruthwaa kruthamranu.

Oh God who knows all those who are born, purify us, Oh God purify us with purity, Oh God who shines with purity, purify us, Oh Fire God, purify us and give us will power.

Yaththe pavithram archishi, Agne vithatham antharaa, Brahma thena puneemahe.

Oh fire god, Purify our knowledge using your power, Which is spread all over and is in the midst of your flames.

Pavamaniryo adhyethi Rishibhirsambhrathaam rasam Thasmai Saraswathi duhe, Ksheeram sarpir madhuudhakam.

He who recites Pavamana Suktha, Which is essence of Vedas collected by sages, For him Saraswathi extracts, The milk of knowledge, clarity and exhilarating Soma.

Pavaamani swasthyayani, Sudhughaa hi payaswathi, Rishibhir sambrutho rasa, Brahmeshwamrutham hitham.

This Pavamani suktha leads to peaceful and indestructible life, They can be easily understood and knowledge can be improved, The sages understand the essence of Vedas from these, And this is the nectar for the knower of God.

Pavamanir dishanthu nah, Imam lokamadho aamum, Kaamaan samradhayanthu nah, Devir devai samaabhruthaa.

Those who are purified by Pavamana Suktham, Get this world as well as the next, Their wishes would be fulfilled, And they would be united with gods and goddesses

Pavamana svasthyayani, Sudhugha hi gruthaschutha, Rishibhir sambhrutho rasa, Brahmaneshvamrutha hitham.

This Pavamani suktha leads to peaceful and indestructible life, They can be easily understood and mental clarity would be released, The sages understand the essence of Vedas from these, And this is the nectar for the knower of God.

Yena devaa pavithrena, Aathmaanam punathe sathaam, Thena sahasra dhaarena, Pavamanya punanthu maa.

Those Gods who are pure, Purify our souls, With thousand showers of purity, May Pavamana Suktha purify us.

Praajapathyam pavithram, Shathodhyamam hiranmayam, Thena brahma vidho vayam, Pootham brahma punimahe.

These purify the creator himself, Makes us hundred fold great and with golden luster, Makes the knowledge of Brahma as ours, Makes us pure and purifies us.

Indrasuneethi saha maam punaathu, Soma savashthyaa, Varuna samichyaa, Yamo raja pramrunaabhipunaathu maa, Jathavedaa morjayanthya punaathu.

May Indra purify us by the right path, May Soma purify us by peace and well being, May Varuna purify us by his closeness, May king Yama purify us with strength, May Jataveda purify us with energy.

Aum Jalbimbaye Vidmahe
Nila Purushaye Dhimahi
Tanno Varunah Prachodayat

Om Sarvesham Svasti Bhavatu
Sarvesham Santir Bhavatu
Sarvesham Purnam Bhavatu
Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavatu