திங்கள், 27 ஜூலை, 2009

My Bank


We Walk the Talk and Make a Mark -
That is Indian Bank

Work we smart and share the heart
We will cultivate as an art

Our goal is one and second to none
We remain common man’s bank

Technology we would love to take
To every nook and corner

Customer-centric smiling service
We owe it to all

We do remember we are in business
Due only to them

Our India Great and Indian Bank is Great
We make every day a treat

We love our Bank and see her grow
Ahead of all other Banks

Smart Working Vs Hard working

Don’t Work Hard, Work Smart

When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail - Abraham Maslow

Working smarter, not harder, is an age-old adage. If we master the concept of smart-working, our entire working life shall turn out to be better and easier than the routine, run-of-the-mill, monotonous, lack-lustre type we are quite accustomed to.

Before going in to the nitty-gritty of the issue, let us analyse the meaning of the word “Smart”.

Smart as an adjective has the following positive attributes:
Elegant, neat, tidy, stylish, chick(bright and fresh in appearance), well-dressed, well turned-out, well-groomed (shabby), fashionable, upmarket (expensive and of high quality), intelligent, quick.
If somebody says don’t be smartish – don’t come to a conclusion so quickly. Smart as a verb has negative connotations like - give a sharp, stinging pain, feel upset and annoyed.
In these days of smart card – a plastic card on which information is stored in electronic form - try to solve this puzzle:
A woman had two sons who were born on the same hour of the same day of the same year. But they were not twins. How could this be so?
The answer is given at the end of the article.
Smart, as a verb, conveys a negative meaning - give a short stinging pain, feel upset and annoyed.

There are simple techniques that you can employ to save steps and tedium from almost any task.

How a Smart worker performs

 Assess everything that needs to be done.
 Before you plunge in headfirst, remember that enthusiasm needs to be tempered with wisdom.
 Look over every aspect of the job, and allow yourself ample "pondering time" so that you can be sure that every detail is accomplished on time, and accurately.
 Make an outline
 Have a checklist in mind, and follow it to the letter, and in order - you don't want to repeat steps, duplicate the efforts of others, or make mistakes so that you definitely don't want to forget anything.
 Consider your materials
 Don't take shortcuts, when possible, on the quality of your tools i.e. don’t be penny-wise .
 Follow your plan and don't deviate from it - unless you must
 Once you've assessed the job and come up with a plan, it's usually best to stick with the plan.
 Be prepared to think on your feet, and be resourceful.
 Nimble thinking is essential to working smart, especially when something goes wrong.
 Following a plan slavishly, in spite of new information, developments, or problems is just plain dumb.
 Be flexible and change if you need to
 Delegate to the right people at the right times
 Make sure your team is well-ordered. If one person is faster, put him or her on the part of your task that will take longest. If one person is more skilled and accurate, put him or her on the part of the task that is most critical.
 Prepare simultaneously to cross sell
 This means that there may be four or five, for example, components to your job which can be synchronized and delivered to the customer when you close the sale e.g.. issue of passbook, chequebook, ATM cards, internet banking, etc.
 Control clients by communicating properly
 Many times, it's hard to work smart because your clients will insist that their job is a big rush.
 Instead of scrambling to get that job done, make sure your clients understand in the initial meeting what your normal turnaround time for their job would be.
 If you know you will need two weeks, don't let the client squeeze you into one week unless that client is willing to pay extra/provide spin-off for the rush. Most businesses have more than one client, yet many clients forget that their job is not the only one you're working on.

 Stick to your policies
 If you look for additional business / charge extra to rush a job, don't deviate from that, ever. It's unfair to apply policies to some customers and not others.
 Just let them know that you are willing to rush their jobs, but by doing so, you must move other customers who were "in line" before them out of the way - causing you to run those jobs behind. This is smart - it lets your clients know that you really know your stuff, plus it relieves your schedule or makes you more money.
 Give one to three choices - never more – Like a curtain dealer handing a swatch book to a client and saying, "Tell me which colors you are interested in" is deadly.
 Too many choices will cause horrible delays as the customer peruses. You can also attempt to influence the client in the direction you think best for his purpose.
 Use your expertise to narrow down the critical choices right away. Sell the best stuff even if it costs a few rupees more
 Never willingly trap yourself into accepting a bad job
 You know when a job is going to be great. You also know when you get that "uh-oh" feeling that something is not right. A client or boss who pressures you into areas where you are not comfortable, either because it is an unreasonable expectation or because it's outside your scope needs to be aware immediately of your discomfort with the job as proposed.
 If you work for hours and end up not being paid all or part of what you worked for - especially when you were sweating bullets over it the whole time - is not smart. And it's the hardest work you'll ever do.
 Work whole heartedly in your job - Hit every job with everything you've got.
 Getting it done quickly and efficiently - while you have the time - is much smarter than looking at the schedule and telling yourself you have three more days to get it done.
 Running out the clock on jobs when you don't absolutely need to can force a rush at the finish line, or worse, deprives you of opportunities you might not have otherwise.
 Recognize the point of 'diminishing returns.
 Do not work yourself to the point of exhaustion. You need to protect your health and the integrity of your job.
 Working yourself to a frazzle constantly makes you prone to mistakes..
 When you're so tired that you realize it's taking you twice or three times longer to do a job than normal, you need to call it a day.
 Rest at least a few hours, and come back fresher, so that you can be strong at the end of the job. Learn how to power nap.
 Finish strong
 Being dead tired and sluggish at the finish line is not smart - it's foolish
 Plan to present your finished product proudly, knowing that everything has been done to ensure that the client will be happy.
 Let your confidence spill over to the client so that you can see the client smiling and appreciative of the work you've done for him or her. This works for any project you have to do in life.
 When you can work, do. Don't slack or allow time to run out so that you're rushing at the end to meet a deadline.
 When you're sick, stay home and rest until you are well. You make too many mistakes when you're ill or tired to call that "working smart."
 Learn to make your money work for you. Working a lot and spending every penny you make is NOT working smart!
 Don't allow yourself to be suckered into making "just a little adjustment" which may ultimately harm your career goals
 Finally sharpen your axe ! – a smart worker is always updated

Smart work in a nut shell implies

 Study the whole issue
 Meet the deadlines
 Always be prepared to work efficient and look effortless
 Ride on the strength of your team
 Throttle the workflow for successful delivery

The purpose of this article is definitely not to outsmart you? Don’t brand me as a smart alec - a person who irritates others by always having a clever answer to a question

Answer to the puzzle:
Ans. :They were two of a set of triplets (or quadruplets, etc.).
This puzzle stumps many people and they try outlandish solutions involving test tube babies or surrogate mothers. Why do we search for complex solutions when there is a much simpler one available?
This is an example of thinking smart.

Customer Care – a few Tips
 The Greatest pain in life is not to die, but to be ignored.
 To help someone out and the person doesn’t even say thank you
 To lose the person you love so much to another who doesn’t care at all.
 To have someone you care so much about, throw a party.and not tell you about it
 When your favorite person on earth neglects to invite you to his wedding party.

 To have people think you don’t care.

 The Greatest pain in life is not to die, but to be forgotten.

 To be left in the dust after another’s great achievement.

 To never get a call from a friend, just to say “Hi” When you show someone your innermost thoughts and he laughs in your face.

 For friends to always be too busy to console you when you need someone to lift your spirits.

 When it seems like the only person who cares about you is you.

Life is full of pain, but does it ever get better?

 Will people ever care about each other, and make time for those who are in need?

 Each of us has a part to play in this great show called Life.

 Each of us has a duty to mankind to tell our customers/ friends we love them.

 If you do not care about your friends, you will not be punished. You will simply be ignored….forgotten…. as you have done to others.

 However, if you do not care about your customers, you will be punished – coupled with loss of image and business

 It takes so little of your time to smile, give a hug, a word of encouragement or just to say “I care”

 CARE ! that is what the customer always looks to!

We all work and generally work hard – some times very hard !!! Generally our work is repetitive in nature. We call it experience. But we observe that with passage of time, our efficiency level drops down, our output decreases, we miss out some important aspects. Though we work harder for longer duration and carry the tension of the work home too !!! We constantly think about work, work and work. Why this happens ??
Read the following story …….
A young man approached the foreman of a logging crew and asked for a job. "That depends," replied the foreman. "Let's see you fell this tree." The young man stepped forward and skilfully felled a great tree. Impressed, the foreman exclaimed, "You can start Monday." Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday rolled by.
Thursday afternoon the foreman approached the young man and said, "You can pick up your pay check on the way out today." Startled, the young man replied, "I thought you paid on Friday." "Normally we do," said the foreman. "But we're letting you go today because you've fallen behind. Our daily felling charts show that you've dropped from first place on Monday to last place today."
"But I'm a hard worker," the young man objected. "I arrive first, leave last and even have worked through my coffee breaks!" The foreman, sensing the young man's integrity, thought for a minute and then asked, "Have you been sharpening your axe?"
The young man replied, "No sir, I've been working too hard to take time for that!"
Our lives are like that. We sometimes get so busy that we don't take time to "sharpen the axe.” In today's world, it seems that everyone is busier than ever but less happy than ever. Why is that?
Is it that we have forgotten how to stay sharp? There's nothing wrong with activity and hard work. But God doesn't want us to get so busy that we neglect the truly important things in life, like taking time to pray, to read and study and most importantly listen to “the still small voice of God.”
When we come home from work, we take out all office related things like office keys, visiting card valet; visiting cards collected during the day, pen, car keys etc. and put them at safe place till you need them for office the next day. We take out used handkerchiefs, socks and other things and put them in laundry bag for cleaning/washing. We also take out useless papers, paper napkins and other useless matters and put them in dust bins.
Similarly when you return home – store all your office related planning, decisions, thinking and ideas in a small imaginary box for next office day.
AND put all the uncertainties, worries and confusion of work in an imaginary laundry box – and submit it to God for doing needful. HE will clean them all make them clear and re-usable. And all the disposables like tensions, fears, frustrations of work – put them in dust bin or in toilet sit and flush them away.
Then relax, listen to music, talk with your family, contribute to house hold work, watch TV, play with your grand children (I have them with me – I am lucky) and enjoy. Pray !!!
This will freshen you up ! !

சனி, 23 மே, 2009

Financial Inclusion -- Why Poor People behave the way they do

Public Sector Banks in India has taken upon itself a mission of being a Common Man’s Bank. A large majority of our 20 billion plus customers belong to this category. It is our bounden duty to uplift them. They are willing to improve as is seen in the orderly conduct of elections in the world’s largest democracy.
When I was in Delhi I used to get my pan from a panwallah from Bihar. One day, as he was making my pan, two children one 4 years and another slightly bigger, 6 years – came running. The smaller child wearing a new pair of shoes fell down and the bigger child tried to lift the smaller one by holding its shoe.
As an educated man with a lot of exposure I was immediately led to think that the bigger child was out to grab the new shoes of the little one, started the chase and in the melee made the little child fall down. But the so-called unlettered Bihari panwallah started laughing . I was a bit irritated by his not empathising with the fallen child . I asked the panwallah why he laughed. The simple Bihari explained to me that he was laughing because of the foolish act of the bigger child, as it was trying to lift the little one by holding the leg instead of giving a helping hand.
Extending the helping hand – it is a mantra that struck me as far as financial inclusion is concerned. We officials more often than not try to lift the BPL people by lifting them by their leg. A change of our mental perception is what is needed in emphatising with these people.
It is not uncommon to find that that people from lesser privileged backgrounds like the ghettos, jhuggi- jhopdis etc are more prone to violence than others from better and cleaner environments; the operative word being “cleaner, more attractive, well organized and kept and maintained surroundings.
This article aims to answer the question “why”. Why do they behave this way?
Let’s try and understand these actions more in the spirit of starting a discussion than deep psychological unraveling to prove anything. Let me take up a few:
There is all the open space on the road.. But the other guy still does not find enough space and bumps into you.
This is the way they feel comfortable and justify their individuality.
These unfortunate people have known only cramped surroundings that accord them no pride or individuality with little or no space of their own. They have never been alone. Living in cramped and often dirty surroundings with no respite in sight and with an underlying subconscious thought that life has dealt them a miserable hand.
There is a lot of empty space to park the car but the guy still double parks and blocks the road for everybody.
Self importance makes them want to be seen always in a hurry. They take the shortest rout from one point to another, even overtake at curves and from the left or go over the other half of the road; so importantly they have to park right opposite the gate and subconsciously the only way they can attract attention is by being a bit of nuisance.
There is a Q at the milk booth but he still tries to push his hand over others to be served first.
He is supremely comfortable in his own persona. Nobody else exists. He does not see anyone else. I was at the booth and this young lad came and tried to go over everybody, specially a small servant girl. I stopped him and told him flatly that he shall have to wait his turn; his answered saying that he did not see the girl. They live so much in a world where they are the single most important person that they automatically become blind to everyone else. Then cheating is part of life; is it not?
He sees the well kept courtyard and the first thing he does is spit in front of the front door before entering.
The poor guy is really showing off his good manners; that before entering the house he was clearing his throat and all. It is not his fault that he has never known a clean “front” as part of one’s image. The street where he lives is the principal common drain too of the locality. A beautiful front as part of character of the home is too far away from his conception of things. He has only learnt to see his smashing handsome self in the mirror and he is very impressed by his image.
The whole sleeping compartment is asleep in the train and two people wake up in the morning and start talking and guffawing.
In their common life nobody has ever respected their privacy. The concept simply does not exist in their personas. They have known dirt, neglect and are acutely aware that for a few minutes of romp their parents have endowed them a life-time of misery. If they manage to get out of their abject surroundings, they have to let the world know it and it never occurred to them that what they are so loudly announcing to the world is not of interest to anybody or very commonplace too..
In Financial inclusion what is required is “Extend a helping hand .. Don’t try to lift them by their legs”. After all, it is specifically these people who have brought wonderful changes through a vibrant democracy and elected 15 Lok Sabhas so far!

ஞாயிறு, 17 மே, 2009

Listening to tohers and Responding to others' views

Listening and Responding to the views of others

Once there lived a very good King who was very nice to others and wanted everything to be perfect around him. He had a good minister called Suman. (A minister has to be wise . He cannot be otherwise!)

A person's patient listening qualities grow inversely proportional to his growing status.
Suman is so optimistic that he strongly believes that whatever is happening is only for good. One day they were engaged in sword fighting and the king's little finger was lost. Suman immediately helped him get good treatment. The cut was not big enough but it left an indelible scar. The king asked Suman why I should suffer this cut in spite of my being a good ruler and being so nice to all. Suman as usual said whatever happened was bound to be happen and that it is good that it happened to him.

The king, already reeling under the pain of his wound, got so furious that he stopped talking to Suman from that moment and went for a hunting program which he originally planned with Suman. The minister further irritated the king by saying that it is very good that he is not accompanying the king to forest.

As any angry man does, he loses his way and were engulfed by a tribe who arrested him and sent to their chieftain for offering as a sacrifice to their god. The tribal chief examined and found that the king has no little finger. As sacrificing such a person with a defective body will earn the wrath of their, he let the king go free. The king returned to his palace and narrated the incident to Suman. The minister explained that the loss of one little finger was good because it saved the king's life. The minister not joining the king is also beneficial because the tribes would have sacrified him since he has no defects in his body and make the king poorerthe king with the loss of his sagacious minister.

The moral of the story is that the minister by mistake has caused the loss of the king's finger in the sword fight. But that helped the king in greater measure.

Let us come closer and analyse an even nearer historical event.

They said he died.

One morning in 1888, Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite, the man who
had spent his life amassing a fortune from the manufacture and sale of
weapons of destruction, awoke to read his own obituary. Of course, it
was a mistake. Alfred's brother had died, and the reporter
inadvertently wrote Alfred's obituary.

For the first time, Alfred Nobel saw himself as the world saw him –
"the dynamite king," the great industrialist who had made an immense
fortune from explosives. This, as far as the general public was
concerned, was the entire purpose of his life. None of his true
intentions surfaced. Nothing was said about his work to break down the
barriers that separated persons and ideas. He was, quite simply, a
merchant of death, and for that alone would he be remembered.

Alfred read the obituary with horror. He felt that the world must know
the true meaning and purpose of his life. He resolved to do this
through his last will and testament. The final disposition of his
fortune would show the world his life's ideals. And at that time came
into being yearly prizes for chemistry, physics, medicine,
literature – and the famous Nobel Peace Prize.

If you were to read your own obituary today, what would it say? Do
others know what you stand for, what you believe in and what truly
matters to you?

Dr. Philip Humbert asks, "What remarkable, extraordinary and amazing
things will you do with this wild and wonderful miracle, your one and
only life?" I believe that the question should also be asked this way:
"What will you do with this wild and wonderful miracle, your one and
only DAY?" For it's increasingly clear to me that the decisions I make
every day, even little decisions, will decide how my life will
eventually turn out.

Hopefully, I won't wake up to read my own obituary. But I have already
begun to write it – day by day, moment by moment. And if I live a life
that matters today, then my obituary will already be written in the
hearts of those who know me.

-- Steve Goodier

We therefore have to develop the habit of listening to others.
Recently a Research has been conducted by Cornell University on Managers' Skills vs. Listening Environment; where they work on "Building Managers' Skill to Create Listening Environment". The study was conducted by Judi Brownwell, P.hd from Centre for Hospitality Research at Connell. She used HURIER framework to analyse the importance of Listening with-in the organization. I find it interesting to share with all members of the Forum.
The HURIER Listening Model
1. H
– Develop Hearing
• Do not multi-task when listening—focus entirely on the speaker
• Eliminate distractions
• Position yourself where it is easy to hear
• Postpone listening if you cannot concentrate
• Be prepared to listen

2. U
– Increase Understanding
• Ask for clarification when vocabulary or jargon is unfamiliar
• Restate to ensure that you have understood completely
• Ask questions to clarify intentions
• Distinguish details from the speaker’s main points
• Refrain from interrupting the person speaking

3. R

– Improve Remembering
• Quickly identify good reasons to remember what you hear
• Stay calm and focused—stress interferes with memory
• Learn short and long term memory techniques
• Continuously practice to improve your memory

4. I

– Interpret Accurately
• Observe and consider the speaker’s nonverbal cues
• Listen for emotional messages as well as words
• Take the context of the communication into account
• Encourage the speaker
• Recognize and account for individual differences

5. E

– Evaluate Wisely
• Listen to the entire message before responding
• Apply guidelines of sound reasoning in making judgments
• Distinguish emotional from logical appeals
• Recognize the influence of your personal bias and values
• Differentiate between the ideas presented and the person

6. R

– Respond Appropriately
• Be aware of your unintentional nonverbal communication
• Recognize how your response influences the speaker’s decisions
• Distinguish among different types of response—including
judgments, empathy, opinions, and questions
• Expand your behavioral flexibility—make choices based on the
needs of the situation rather than your habits and comfort level.

The further study on HURIER Listening Model at Cornell University proves that listening meant different things to employees in different departments and in different industry segments. For instance; A member of the sales staff may need to develop a high level of competence in understanding and remembering the details a client provides, while a hostess in the Bar might depend more heavily on her ability to interpret a guests’ behavior, since the hostess must assess and respond appropriately to a guest’s emotional aspect.

புதன், 25 பிப்ரவரி, 2009


All critical management skills require effective communication. Whether we are leading, coaching, delegating, building a team, making decisions, counseling, hiring, or just about any management activity we can think of, we need to communicate.

Communication implies sharing/exchange of information, passing on/conveying an emotion and is the common connecting door between clients and customers in corporate parlance. Now let us analyse the importance it holds in our day to day activities.

The power and effect of communication can be felt in our daily life. Day in and day out we come across press reports conveying suicide / attempted suicide of a student when he was chided for his academic failure or taunts a girl receives from her in-laws, an employee from his boss.

Why we communicate

  1. To get our message across
  2. To make a great impression
  3. To do it with impact & style

Channels of communication

  1. Positive Gestures
  2. Handshakes
  3. The gazes
  4. Smiles
  5. Hand Movements
  6. Style of walking
  7. Voice Modulation
  8. Written material

In the process of our career we have heard statements like – This Manager has declined my loan. Still I liked the way he communicated it. Why so? It is

because in the conversation/s he would not have said no at the start, given excuses for not doing so, nor dilly-dallied or procrastinated, never kept the receiver in the doubtful domain, promised and then retreated.

Even while saying “No” he provides reason and logic for tendering the refusal. Most people are intelligent enough to distinguish between an “excuse” and a “reason” backed by logic. By doing so a lot of undesirable complaints and paper work at branch/administrative offices could be avoided.

Our Body as communicating tool

The positive gestures you display like open palms, eye-to-eye contact, smile, equal handshake imply that you are a positive personality, honest and direct, open and equal in behaviour and attitude with no complexes attached. Any contra movements other than the above suggested indicate superiority/ inferiority complex, deceptively sub-subservient lack of concentration / credibility / confidence /shifty nature/ dejection.

Examples of such careless body communication forms include Lifeless/Tight grip, shifty/ evasive eye movements. Crossed hands indicate lack of confidence, folded arms with upward-pointing thumb indicate closed mind/superiority complex, hands resting/clasping the back of neck displays a danger signal, scratching the head indicates perplexed mind, scratching the neck on the one side shows insecurity , clenching of hands indicate that speaker does not believe in what he says and if it done by the listener, it signals frustration/irritation. Stapling of fingertips with thump and first two fingers means the person is having extreme confidence bordering on eccentricity.

Like-wise, walking disorganised, head bent illustrate and talking to someone with hands in our pocket illustrates his attempt to portray a macho image/withdrawal/shyness/cynical/critical/depressed outlook.show connotes

In a business communication your eye focus would be on the eyes and forehead of the person before us, while it can be from forehead to lips in social communication and from head to toe in intimate communication.

Facts on communication

1. No matter how hard one tries, one cannot avoid communicating

2. Communicating does not necessarily mean understanding

3. Communication is irreversible

4. Communication is affected by physical and social settings

5. Communication is an ongoing and ever-changing process

6. Speak Clearly and concisely

7. Speak with enthusiasm and expressiveness

8. Develop a natural and informal style

9. Be sincere

10. Develop an attitude of wanting

to listen

11.Focus your attention on

understanding the other

person’s meaning, not

formulating your response

12. Show the speaker that you are


13. Use open ended questions to

open up communication –

open ended questions begin

with words like “Tell me

”What,” “How,” “Explain”

and “Describe.”

14. Use paraphrasing – “ this

Reaction may not be good

Because… ”

15. Summarize conversations to

ensure understanding and close the communication.

Tips for Successful Communication

1. Think through what you want to say before you say it. Always bear in mind that everybody without exception needs to communicate.

2. Speak clearly and concisely. Also speak with enthusiasm and expressiveness.

3. Be sincere. Most people have a very fine insincerity detector.

4. Develop an attitude of wanting to listen. Demonstrate this by focusing on

the sender’s message, not on formulating your response.

5. Use a “real” open door policy with your employees.

6. Show the speaker that you are listening by maintaining eye contact.

7. Use open-ended questions to open up communication.

8. Summarize conversations to ensure understanding and provide closure.

9. Don’t shoot the messenger. Encourage or reward people who have

contrary viewpoints or who bring you bad news.

10. Keep your boss informed.

(Source: The Manager’s Pocket Guide to Leadership Skills- Peter B. Stark, Jane Flaherty)

Great Tips for better communication

1. Speak to people.

2. Smile at people.

3. Address people by name.

4. Be warm, friendly and helpful.

5. Be enthusiastic about life.

6. Be genuinely interested in people.

7. Look for the opportunity to give praise.

8. Be considerate of other people’s feelings.

9. Be thoughtful and respectful of other people’s opinions.

10. Be a great listener.

The effect of miscommunication is best illustrated by the following story.

A lonely octogenarian mother whose visual and hearing functions have started receding due to her old age, was living in her old home with an assistant to help her daily chores. She has three daughters, who are worth billions now, and live in far-away lands now. These daughters came up in life to this level only due to their mother’s care and untiring efforts .

As a token of gratitude and affection, each one of them wanted to give a worthy gift to their mother, which she will cherish during the remaining part of her life. With this in mind, the first daughter offered her a new big bungalow to stay and the second daughter gave her mother a beautiful limousine for travel comfort and conveyed to their mother about the gift they are planning to give.

The third daughter, who is also equally fond of her mother searched for the best gift she cane give. She also came to know of the gifts her sisters had promised.

Not to be outdone and trying to outsmart, she wanted to build an element of surprise and better value in her gift package.

She felt that the old lady, nearing her way to tomb, needs more than anything some daily spiritual recitations to tone up her spirit, so that she can successfully pass off the old age.

She therefore purchased a parrot which was well trained in Bhagwad Gita for 15 years so that if anyone tells the chapter number of Bhagwad Gita it will recite the whole chapter and tell the meaning also. It is needless to say that the parrot cost the third daughter a big fortune.

So, the parrot was sent to the mother as a surprise gift, while the first two daughters wanted to ascertain beforehand if their mother would like to accept the gift offer of a bungalow and a limousine.

The mother said to the first daughter –

“I cannot move much at this age– a spacious bungalow I may not be able to use. Therefore, my dear, I don’t need it.”

To the second one she clarified that

“Due to my age, I am constrained to stay home than move out. Darling, I have, therefore, no use for the big car.”

On receiving the surprise gift from the third daughter, she profusely thanked her and promptly responded:

“Thanks a lot Baby for the excellent chicken sent to me. It is so tasty! “

The moral of the story is

  • Communicate clearly for proper acceptance
  • The essence of communication is lost if it does not serve the purpose
  • It will be utter waste of time, money and energy if we do not communicate properly

“As soon as you move one step from the bottom, your effectiveness depends on your ability to reach others through the spoken and written word - Peter Drucker”


All critical management skills require effective communication. Whether we are leading, coaching, delegating, building a team, making decisions, counseling, hiring, or just about any management activity we can think of, we need to communicate.

Communication implies sharing/exchange of information, passing on/conveying an emotion and is the common connecting door between clients and customers in corporate parlance. Now let us analyse the importance it holds in our day to day activities.

The power and effect of communication can be felt in our daily life. Day in and day out we come across press reports conveying suicide / attempted suicide of a student when he was chided for his academic failure or taunts a girl receives from her in-laws, an employee from his boss.

Why we communicate

  1. To get our message across
  2. To make a great impression
  3. To do it with impact & style

Channels of communication

  1. Positive Gestures
  2. Handshakes
  3. The gazes
  4. Smiles
  5. Hand Movements
  6. Style of walking
  7. Voice Modulation
  8. Written material

In the process of our career we have heard statements like – This Manager has declined my loan. Still I liked the way he communicated it. Why so? It isbecause in the conversation/s he would not have said no at the start, given excuses for not doing so, nor dilly-dallied or procrastinated, never kept the receiver in the doubtful domain, promised and then retreated.

Even while saying “No” he provides reason and logic for tendering the refusal. Most people are intelligent enough to distinguish between an “excuse” and a “reason” backed by logic. By doing so a lot of undesirable complaints and paper work at branch/administrative offices could be avoided.

Our Body as communicating tool

The positive gestures you display like open palms, eye-to-eye contact, smile, equal handshake imply that you are a positive personality, honest and direct, open and equal in behaviour and attitude with no complexes attached. Any contra movements other than the above suggested indicate superiority/ inferiority complex, deceptively sub-subservient lack of concentration / credibility / confidence /shifty nature/ dejection.

Examples of such careless body communication forms include Lifeless/Tight grip, shifty/ evasive eye movements. Crossed hands indicate lack of confidence, folded arms with upward-pointing thumb indicate closed mind/superiority complex, hands resting/clasping the back of neck displays a danger signal, scratching the head indicates perplexed mind, scratching the neck on the one side shows insecurity , clenching of hands indicate that speaker does not believe in what he says and if it done by the listener, it signals frustration/irritation. Stapling of fingertips with thump and first two fingers means the person is having extreme confidence bordering on eccentricity.

Like-wise, walking disorganised, head bent illustrate and talking to someone with hands in our pocket illustrates his attempt to portray a macho image/withdrawal/shyness/cynical/critical/depressed outlook.show connotes

In a business communication your eye focus would be on the eyes and forehead of the person before us, while it can be from forehead to lips in social communication and from head to toe in intimate communication.

Facts on communication

1. No matter how hard one tries, one cannot avoid communicating

2. Communicating does not necessarily mean understanding

3. Communication is irreversible

4. Communication is affected by physical and social settings

5. Communication is an ongoing and ever-changing process

6. Speak Clearly and concisely

7. Speak with enthusiasm and expressiveness

8. Develop a natural and informal style

9. Be sincere

10. Develop an attitude of wanting

to listen

11.Focus your attention on

understanding the other

person’s meaning, not

formulating your response

12. Show the speaker that you are


13. Use open ended questions to

open up communication –

open ended questions begin

with words like “Tell me

”What,” “How,” “Explain”

and “Describe.”

14. Use paraphrasing – “ this

Reaction may not be good

Because… ”

15. Summarize conversations to

ensure understanding and close the communication.

Tips for Successful Communication

1. Think through what you want to say before you say it. Always bear in mind that everybody without exception needs to communicate.

2. Speak clearly and concisely. Also speak with enthusiasm and expressiveness.

3. Be sincere. Most people have a very fine insincerity detector.

4. Develop an attitude of wanting to listen. Demonstrate this by focusing on

the sender’s message, not on formulating your response.

5. Use a “real” open door policy with your employees.

6. Show the speaker that you are listening by maintaining eye contact.

7. Use open-ended questions to open up communication.

8. Summarize conversations to ensure understanding and provide closure.

9. Don’t shoot the messenger. Encourage or reward people who have

contrary viewpoints or who bring you bad news.

10. Keep your boss informed.

(Source: The Manager’s Pocket Guide to Leadership Skills- Peter B. Stark, Jane Flaherty)

Great Tips for better communication

1. Speak to people.

2. Smile at people.

3. Address people by name.

4. Be warm, friendly and helpful.

5. Be enthusiastic about life.

6. Be genuinely interested in people.

7. Look for the opportunity to give praise.

8. Be considerate of other people’s feelings.

9. Be thoughtful and respectful of other people’s opinions.

10. Be a great listener.

The effect of miscommunication is best illustrated by the following story.

A lonely octogenarian mother whose visual and hearing functions have started receding due to her old age, was living in her old home with an assistant to help her daily chores. She has three daughters, who are worth billions now, and live in far-away lands now. These daughters came up in life to this level only due to their mother’s care and untiring efforts .

As a token of gratitude and affection, each one of them wanted to give a worthy gift to their mother, which she will cherish during the remaining part of her life. With this in mind, the first daughter offered her a new big bungalow to stay and the second daughter gave her mother a beautiful limousine for travel comfort and conveyed to their mother about the gift they are planning to give.

The third daughter, who is also equally fond of her mother searched for the best gift she cane give. She also came to know of the gifts her sisters had promised.

Not to be outdone and trying to outsmart, she wanted to build an element of surprise and better value in her gift package.

She felt that the old lady, nearing her way to tomb, needs more than anything some daily spiritual recitations to tone up her spirit, so that she can successfully pass off the old age.

She therefore purchased a parrot which was well trained in Bhagwad Gita for 15 years so that if anyone tells the chapter number of Bhagwad Gita it will recite the whole chapter and tell the meaning also. It is needless to say that the parrot cost the third daughter a big fortune.

So, the parrot was sent to the mother as a surprise gift, while the first two daughters wanted to ascertain beforehand if their mother would like to accept the gift offer of a bungalow and a limousine.

The mother said to the first daughter –

“I cannot move much at this age– a spacious bungalow I may not be able to use. Therefore, my dear, I don’t need it.”

To the second one she clarified that

“Due to my age, I am constrained to stay home than move out. Darling, I have, therefore, no use for the big car.”

On receiving the surprise gift from the third daughter, she profusely thanked her and promptly responded:

“Thanks a lot Baby for the excellent chicken sent to me. It is so tasty! “

The moral of the story is

  • Communicate clearly for proper acceptance
  • The essence of communication is lost if it does not serve the purpose
  • It will be utter waste of time, money and energy if we do not communicate properly

“As soon as you move one step from the bottom, your effectiveness depends on your ability to reach others through the spoken and written word - Peter Drucker”