புதன், 21 செப்டம்பர், 2011



English is really a wonderful language!

Same words have different meanings or different words have same pronunciation. Read the following.

Some words have different meanings and yet they're spelled the same.
A cricket is an insect, to play it - it's a game.
On every hand, in every land, it's thoroughly agreed,
The English language to explain, is very hard indeed.

Some people say that you're dear, yet dear is far from cheap.
A jumper is a thing to wear, yet a jumper has to leap.
It's very clear, it's very queer, and, pray who to blame
For different meanings to some words pronounced and spelled the same?

A little journey is a trip, a trip is when you fall.
It doesn't mean you have to dance whene'er you hold a ball.
Now here's a thing that puzzles me: musicians of good taste
Will very often form a band - I've one around my waiste!

You spin a top, go for a spin, or spin yarn maybe -
Yet every spin's a different spin, as you can plainly see.
Now here's a most peculiar thing, 'twas told me as a joke -
A dumb man wouldn't speak a word, yet seized a wheel and spoke!

A door may often be ajar, but give the door a slam
And then your nerves receive a jar - and then there's jars of jam.
You've heard, of course, of traffic jams, and jams you give your thumbs.
And adders, too, one is a snake, the other adds up sums.

A policeman is a copper, it's nickname (impolite!)
Yet a copper in the kitchen is an article you light.
On every hand, in every land, it's thoroughly agreed,
The English language to explain is very hard indeed!

Now note the words and pronunciation

Beware of heard, a dreadful word
That looks like beard and sounds like bird.
And dead: it's said like bed, not bead -
And only Scotsmen call it deed!
Watch out for meat and great and threat.
They rhyme with suite and straight and debt.

A moth is not a moth in mother,
Nor both in bother, broth in brother,
and here is not a match for there
Nor dear and fear for bear and pear,

And then there's dose and rose and lose -
Just look them up - and goose and choose.
And cork and work and card and ward,
And do and go, and thwart and cart -
Come, come, I've hardly made a start!

A dreadful language? Man alive -
I'd mastered it when I was five.

திங்கள், 19 செப்டம்பர், 2011




Walk walk walk along

Enjoy a career and a life so long

You will see many a different place

Angel change extending her embrace 1

A number of desks you will do work

Learn, be smart avoid pinprick 2

A whole new world of customer you will meet

To a serving mind, it is an excellent treat 3

Years should add not only experience

They should impart a spirit of excellence 4

You should never lack enterprise

Customer happiness your coveted prize 5

Promotions may take you to higher scales

But before hard work and humility, everything pales 6

Success is not what you achieve

Success lies in what others perceive 7

Honesty, integrity and total dedication

Should always pep up, as does a medication 8

Save, save, don’t needlessly borrow

It will save many a future sorrow 9

When you walk, when people see

Look, here goes a person – a great banyan tree 10

Extending a friendly shadow, establishing yourself

Expanding an image large than your life 11

Take care of your parents, family and friends

Respect your team, no later amends

Save, save, do not needlessly borrow

It will save you many a future sorrow 12

Walk walk walk along

Enjoy a career and a life so long

B. Ravichandran, 18-09-11

செவ்வாய், 31 மே, 2011


Dear Daughter,

I tried to contact you and son-in-law

I also tried to reach you to enquire on the hacking of his email account and if there is any loss.

Then I learnt that you are angry with us

That you are angry means you have a lot of care, concern and love which I fully agree.

When you were all angry with me during our pet dog's departure, I retracted and brought her back even though I had a lot of physical discomfort at that point of time

No problem is beyond solution. Even Israel has learnt to live surrounded by hostile nations and even warring nations reach a truce.

Be assured that you are important

Who else I have in my small world except you and your brother, and to some limited extent the pet dog.

You can afford to be angry with me but I cannot

Experience and enough beating in life has mellowed me

No doubt I made mistakes but the intention is for the good of my children.

I am mature enough to say sorry to you even for no fault of mine since I love my children.

When somebody told me that some good thing will happen to me in May 2011 and many in my office said it may be my elevation, I laughed it away and said that my only elevation would be to be a grandfather of my daughter's kid and be a second-time father in law for my son.

I read somewhere about anger which runs like this:

A Acidic in tongue and thought
N Negativity in attitude
G Getting away from reality
E Expecting their view point is only right
R Reaching the end of a blind alley

May be you think this is an inane(not insane) advice from an irritating elder.

After all, as I grow old I can give only advice and love.

Looking forward to receiving your mail and Pray that
God Bless You always -

PS: I did not plan the letter in which it has shaped. After all an artist is driven by his emotions and I am proud to be an artist.

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செவ்வாய், 29 மார்ச், 2011


Now or Never
As far as you think “Not Now”, success becomes “Never”; But as soon as you think “Why not Now”, success surely will become “Yours”

Four Gifts of God
A key for every problem, A Light for every Shadow, A Plan for every Tomorrow, and a Joy for every Sorrow

Carpie Diem /Carpie Momentum – Seize the day / Seize the Moment
No man in this world is rich enough even to buy his own past. So live each moment of life.

Ability and Focus
Practical success is the ability to go from one Success to another without losing your focus and without getting carried away with it.

Blame :
Never blame a day in your life. Good day gives “happiness”. Bad day gives “experience”

Calm and Quiet
A good understanding comes only when the brain is quiet. So, a mind that is caught in the web of words cannot understand truth

Worrying do not solve tomorrow’s trouble. It takes away today’s peace.

Relations are all about Winning Losing and Sharing, Winning Trust, Sharing feelings and Losing Ego.

Strength :
We are the tea bags whose true strength comes out when we are put in hot water.

Sorrows have no market: There is no market for your sorrows in this world. So never advertise them.

Satisfaction :
Satisfy the person who expects from you rather than surprising the person who never expected anything from you

The Learning:
Sometimes, Hurt is needed to make you grow; Failures needed to make you know; Loss is needed to make you gain; Because some lessons are best when learnt through pain.

Under a convex lens leadership even people who are not together normally, come together.

Stay on purpose, not on outcome. In other words, do the task because it is what you love to do or because it will help someone or is a valuable exercise. Don't do it for the money or the recognition. Those will come naturally.

While the average 4 year old laughs 500 times a day, the average adult is lucky to laugh 15 times a day.

“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” Abraham Lincoln

“Energy flows where attention goes” - American Indian Proverb

Focused consciousness creates reality

Your will is like a muscle. You must first exercise it and then push before it gets

Negative thinking is a conditioned process whereby the negative patterns are established over and over.

Be soft as a flower when it comes to kindness but tough as thunder when it comes to

Never discuss your health, wealth and other personal matters with anyone outside of your
immediate family.

Two of the fundamentals for a happy, joyful life are balance and moderation.

People who are doing good today are ensuring their happiness for tomorrow.

Peak performers are physically relaxed and mentally engaged.

Remember the overriding law of nature: positive overcomes the negative.

Keep up the good work however hard it may seem.

Ignore Critisism, Ridicule and Discouragement from others.

I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think – Socrates

"Today is yesterday's pupil." - Benjamin Franklin

Keep open the windows of your mind.

Sleep less, spend less, do more, live longer and be greater

A short walk is so difficult, when no one walks with you. But a long journey is just like few steps
when you walk with someone who loves and cares for you

Life is not about the people who act true on your face.. Its about the people who remain true behind your back..

If you simply avoid two things...1. Comparing - with others 2. Expecting - from other Life will be more beautiful!!

Dr Abdul Kalaam........"It Is Very Easy To Defeat Someone,But It Is Very Hard To Win Some

"Never Play With The Feelings of Others Because You May Win The Game But The Risk Is That You Will Surely Lose The Person For A Life Time".

William Arthur......... "Opportunities Are Like Sunrises, If You
Wait Too Long You Can Miss Them".

"Laughing Faces Do Not Mean That There Is
Absence Of Sorrow! But It Means That They Have The Ability To Deal With It".

"When You Are In The Light, Everything Follows You,But When You Enter Into The Dark, Even Your Own Shadow Doesn't Follow You."

புதன், 9 பிப்ரவரி, 2011

Marketing, Cross Selling and Customer Service - a 7th Std. pass mechanic shows the way!

Case Study – Indian Mechanic

I have a 2-wheeler Honda Activa 125 c c. purchased in January 2005. I am using this for regularly commuting between my house and bank and also visiting other places. It has become an integral part of my life style.

Being a 11-hour-working banker, I do not know much about the mechanism of 2-wheeler even though I am driving two-wheelers for the past 25 years.

I take genuine pride in maintaining my vehicle as I give it for regular servicing.

After company service is over in 2007, I found one mechanic Ramesh who services many 2-wheelers. As it was very near my office I regularly give my vehicle to him for service. He will do some repairs periodically like changing brake shoe, bearing, changing oil, checking battery, apart from water wash and routine checks. The cost of such servicing will be over Rs.600 every quarter.

I lend the vehicle to my colleagues also when they need it for some urgent work. Last week one of my colleagues took the vehicle and while returning said:

“It feels very shaky to drive the vehicle. Please attend to it immediately in the interest of your safety. “ I am also feeling the same but postponing my decision to go to mechanic as I am waiting for my mandatory 3-month period from earlier service.

In addition foot rest which is used by wife for ascending to the seat, is broken and became unusable. My wife wanted me to change the same immediately . Further, just behind the pillion there was an inverted “U” –like iron support which was also rusted due to daily water cleaning by my servant.

Ramesh was called and he attended to some complaints. My colleague who was requested to drive certified that it is very good now. I asked Ramesh about replacing the foot-rest and the iron support behind the pillion.
Ramesh said “Sir, original spare parts will not be available. I will go to Pudupet (where old vehicles are condemned/recycled) and get you a second-hand spare. I asked him when he will do this as I immediately
want to change at least the foot rest . He assured me that the job will be next day. Then next day I called him. He said he will do it tomorrow. That tomorrow is never to come. I am pursuing him for the next 5 days and decided to change the mechanic.

I am a regular morning walker in Nageswara Rao Park in Mylapore (Chennai). One Sunday I saw a 21 cm x 11 cm pamphlet ( 2/5th of A4 paper) . It is about servicing Honda Activa by a specialist. Green letters printed on white paper was inserted in the gap of my vehicle box. Normally many such pamphlets are kept by various salesmen. I normally give it a cursory glance and throw it in the dust bin.

I did not throw this pamphlet because of 3 reasons; 1) I own a Honda Activa 2) I am getting dissatisfied with my mechanic. 3) The reverse side of the pamphlet contained the route map to the shop with

As I am a team man, I discussed with one colleague who I believed had more knowledge on vehicles, showed him the pamphlet and told him that I am going to contact that Activa Specialist. He said why should you go for such self-styled specialists. Search the Net and find the local Honda dealer in Mylapore or Adyar.

I followed his advice and browsed the net, got one Adyar dealer number and talked to him and he confirmed that the spares are available and advised me to bring the vehicle . He promised immediate replacement at their workshop or advised me to buy the spare part and get it fixed by some local mechanic nearby.

The child in me forced me to talk also to Kumar Automobiles, the Honda specialist . He assured me please come Sir. It is only half-an-hour’s job. He said he will give only original spar

Not believing him fully, I took permission for one hour from my boss. And since I wanted to have authentic original spares I first went to the Honda dealer in Adyar. There somebody directed my parking and told me to go the basement service centre, bring a mechanic, assess the correct name of the spare, go to stores buy it. I went to basement and requested a mechanic . The mechanic said the foot rest can be changed; As regards the rear iron support, they have to melt the welding and it may take minimum 7 to 10 days. I was asked to leave the vehicle at the Authorised Service Centre.

I thought, if I leave the vehicle here, I have to get back to office in Auto by spending Rs.50. How can I manage another week without a vehicle?

At that point of time, as I am in urgent need, I have no option than to go to the Honda Specialist, whose pamphlet I am holding. I drove there:

The shop is only 8 ‘x 8 ‘; He welcomed me! Immediately recalled my telecon. Assured me that the job will be over within 30 minutes. I asked him the estimated cost of replacement – He said it is around Rs.1800 (Rs.50 less than the authorized dealer’s). He started attending to my vehicle immediately. I told him I have not brought the required money. His reaction was, do not worry give tomorrow also. While he was attending, another local customer came for a minor problem in his vehicle light. The mechanic was quick enough to spot the problem and told him Sir, if you do not mind, I will come and attends your vehicle in your house in the evening. I cam see the customer leaving with a sense of satisfaction.

While attending to my vehicle, the mechanic – he calls himself a Honda Specialist said – do you take Madam also in the pillion regularly Sir! I nodded my head in affirmative. He then said, why don’t you install a handgrip for ladies. I asked the cost which he said was around Rs.150. While closing the vehicle, he further said, “the loc k cable is about to collapse. If you replace it now, you may save your costly helmet in the box from pilferage! The cable costing Rs.150 more was also ordered by me! The job was over. I asked him the bill; it came around Rs.1960. The mechanic has am educated lady assistant (sister) for billing since he only 6th standard pass.

He took me to a nearby ATM and paid him Rs.1900 instead of Rs.1960 which he took without a murmur, adjusting in his labour charges. I saw one vehicle bearing a registration number but looking brand new. Observing this, the mechanic said, I can make your vehicle also look like this. I asked if my vehicle, which is blue in colour, can be painted in golden colour. He said the required paint is available with him. He hastened to add that at the time of obtaining FC after 15 years, it has to be repainted in its original colour. For tinkering and repainting, one week’s time has to be given. He hastened to provide me with Kinetic Dio which has the same operating mechanism and similar engine as a substitute vehicle. He also requested me to drive the Dio and check my comfort level, which I did.

I requested him to take me to a nearby ATM, where I draw Rs.1900 and paid . He took the amount happily and said the balance Rs.60, I can adjust in my labour charges. I asked him can you come after a month and take my vehicle for tinkering and painting. To this he said, I may likely to forget the date. Please call me on the day you want to give for service . I will come and collect the vehicle after leaving the substitute vehicle. Next Sunday at 2 pm I tried him for another repair as the vehicle was making much noise due to a defective stand. He was waiting for me patiently even though he normally closes shop by 1.30 pm on Sunday, says it may require some hours to do the repairs, and since I was in a hurry I asked him to remove the noise-making stand and changed the stand tomorrow. He promptly came, without reminding further and took the vehicle. While returning the vehicle he said , you need not spend more on your vehicle now. After 3 months, while painting the vehicle we can change accelerator cable also. The new model Honda Activa is not popular and that is why your vehicle has good resale value. I assure you your vehicle can be kept for a further period of 10 years. About the mechanic – he as worked with one leading automobile shop for 7 years; his shop was funded by 5 mechanic friends with a capital of Rs.1 lakh which he repaid within 6 months after opening the shop. He takes for service only 5 vehicles per day and repairs only Honda Activa vehicle. He is paying his two workers salary on 28th, his father, sister on 30th and takes his salary on 4th of every month.
Maintains bills of original invoices purchased from Honda company and shows customers the cost price of each spare part he is replacing.

He has taken up two more shops nearby to expand his business.

India need not be afraid of scamsters as long as efficient and value-creators like Vijayakumar are in our midst.

This mechanic's name is Vijayakumar, a Christian, who can be contacted in mobile

சனி, 1 ஜனவரி, 2011

Remember Great People in 2011

Message I received from viji123@yahoo.com on 01.01.2011

Read further to get inspired.

19 Dec 2010
KOCHI: Once a month, Prema Pandurang, the renowned preacher of
Hinduism, goes to the Sri Venkateswara temple at Tirupati. One day,
while she was standing in the queue, she noticed that the chairman of
the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam was sitting in the VIP enclosure
which is placed very near the Lord.

“I told myself, ‘You have to be a chairman to sit in that place,’”
says Premaji. “I am just a preacher.” Ten minutes after the chairman
left, suddenly a priest held Premaji’s hand, pulled her from the queue
and made her sit exactly where the chairman had sat! “It was a
miracle,” she says. “Lord Venkateswara had heard my thoughts. I tell
my devotees, ‘Send a SMS to the Lord and if you don’t get a reply, I
will give up preaching.’ The Lord is not like a telephone operator
busy with other lines. He is always there for you.”

At the temple, she says, one can experience powerful positive
vibrations which grip you. “You forget your wife, husband, children,
friends and relatives,” says Premaji. “You are moving towards the Lord
and you feel that He is pulling you towards Him. This is the
experience of everybody.” When asked for a proof of God’s existence,
Premaji says that once Mahatma Gandhi was questioned by a reporter
about whether he believed in God. When he replied in the affirmative,
the reporter asked, “Can you prove His existence?” The Mahatma
replied, “No, I cannot prove it. But to me, He is more present in this
room than you.”

Premaji smiles and continues. “Just ask God to give you evidence and
he will do so. But the thirst to know God should be there. Soon you
will see miracles taking place in your life.”

She recounts one such occurrence. On May 23, 1991, at Sriperumbadur,
two days after Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had been assassinated, a
Guruvayurappa temple was going to be inaugurated. The Namboodiri
priest had come all the way from Guruvayur to conduct the puja. To
begin the prayers he needed flowers. “I said, ‘Swamiji, where can I
get flowers now?’ There is a curfew in the city. All the shops are
closed. The army is patrolling the streets.” The priest said that he
could not begin without flowers.

Suddenly, Premaji’s close friend, Krishnakumar Warrier of Ayurveda
Pharmacy, said, “Why don’t you pray to the Lord?” Premaji followed
Krishnakumar’s advice and sat in front of an idol of Lord Krishna. She
told the Lord, “I am a very small person. This is the first temple I
have built. Is there not a single flower that I can offer to you?”

A few minutes later, when Premaji stepped out of the puja room, a
villager came up and said, “Amma, do you want flowers?” Two staff
members went with him in a jeep and returned with 500 lotuses. The
Namboodiri priest said, “I have not seen so many flowers in Guruvayur

Premaji pauses and says, “How can you not believe in God? In my
speeches, I want people to realise that this mighty power is within us
and yet we are not making use of it. You are not able to access God
because you don’t desire it. You are running after worldly pleasures.
There is nothing wrong with that but always remember that these are
the gifts from God. People tend to focus on the gifts and not the

Premaji gives an example. “A mother buys a doll for her child,” she
says. “The daughter is so busy hugging the doll that she has forgotten
to thank the mother for the gift. So please remember God at all

I would like to share my personal experience with Prema Pandurang, when I was part of the first batch of Tamil Medium B Sc Chemistry students in Presidency College in Chennai, during 1969-72, when she was Assistant Professor of English.

The class had a combined strength of 50 , with half belonging to Tamil Medium like me and the other half belonging to English medium. It is a feeling like haves and have nots; the English medium students used to look down upon Tamil Medium students like us because we did not know how to express ourselves in English. This complex many of us had and started sustaining and nurturing.

But I do not take things lying down and wanted to improve my English. There were in total 3 Assistant Professors in English who were addressing us including Prema Pandurang. But I felt attracted to Premaji because of her mellifluous voice and dignified poise.
Emboldened , I met her in her chamber in lunch time which used to be 1 hour in College. She was referring to the wealth of critical acclaims which we normally call criticisms, on Shakespearean works. I could not recall the word criticism then, due to my Tamil academic background and requested her: Madam, can you assist me and my friend who want to improve our English? Especially what they call about Shakespeare ..... .....

Premaji asked do you mean criticism? Yes Madam.

She asked me How much time you take for lunch ; I said maximum 10 to 15 minutes; (eating yesterday's curd rice bath in a small box takes only that much time. ) She coolly said : Make it 10 minutes and I will also reduce my lunch time to 10 minutes and I will teach you for 50 minutes! Are you ready?

This happened when I was 16. I am thinking of it at 57 now. Even at that time she was coming by her own car, which was a rarity in those days in Chennai.

That I started writing poems, specialised in writing acrostic poems, later and dabbled in writing lyrics in Tamil, Sanskrit and Hindi was later day development. But the foundation was laid long long ago by a teacher who lit a candle to remove my dark glasses.

What Premaji says about Balaji is about his Compassion, which He already had endowed her enough .

It is my New Year Tribute nay obeisance to my English Teacher. I pray Mother to give her enough health to carry on her chosen Mission.

May her tribe increase.