செவ்வாய், 29 மார்ச், 2011


Now or Never
As far as you think “Not Now”, success becomes “Never”; But as soon as you think “Why not Now”, success surely will become “Yours”

Four Gifts of God
A key for every problem, A Light for every Shadow, A Plan for every Tomorrow, and a Joy for every Sorrow

Carpie Diem /Carpie Momentum – Seize the day / Seize the Moment
No man in this world is rich enough even to buy his own past. So live each moment of life.

Ability and Focus
Practical success is the ability to go from one Success to another without losing your focus and without getting carried away with it.

Blame :
Never blame a day in your life. Good day gives “happiness”. Bad day gives “experience”

Calm and Quiet
A good understanding comes only when the brain is quiet. So, a mind that is caught in the web of words cannot understand truth

Worrying do not solve tomorrow’s trouble. It takes away today’s peace.

Relations are all about Winning Losing and Sharing, Winning Trust, Sharing feelings and Losing Ego.

Strength :
We are the tea bags whose true strength comes out when we are put in hot water.

Sorrows have no market: There is no market for your sorrows in this world. So never advertise them.

Satisfaction :
Satisfy the person who expects from you rather than surprising the person who never expected anything from you

The Learning:
Sometimes, Hurt is needed to make you grow; Failures needed to make you know; Loss is needed to make you gain; Because some lessons are best when learnt through pain.

Under a convex lens leadership even people who are not together normally, come together.

Stay on purpose, not on outcome. In other words, do the task because it is what you love to do or because it will help someone or is a valuable exercise. Don't do it for the money or the recognition. Those will come naturally.

While the average 4 year old laughs 500 times a day, the average adult is lucky to laugh 15 times a day.

“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” Abraham Lincoln

“Energy flows where attention goes” - American Indian Proverb

Focused consciousness creates reality

Your will is like a muscle. You must first exercise it and then push before it gets

Negative thinking is a conditioned process whereby the negative patterns are established over and over.

Be soft as a flower when it comes to kindness but tough as thunder when it comes to

Never discuss your health, wealth and other personal matters with anyone outside of your
immediate family.

Two of the fundamentals for a happy, joyful life are balance and moderation.

People who are doing good today are ensuring their happiness for tomorrow.

Peak performers are physically relaxed and mentally engaged.

Remember the overriding law of nature: positive overcomes the negative.

Keep up the good work however hard it may seem.

Ignore Critisism, Ridicule and Discouragement from others.

I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think – Socrates

"Today is yesterday's pupil." - Benjamin Franklin

Keep open the windows of your mind.

Sleep less, spend less, do more, live longer and be greater

A short walk is so difficult, when no one walks with you. But a long journey is just like few steps
when you walk with someone who loves and cares for you

Life is not about the people who act true on your face.. Its about the people who remain true behind your back..

If you simply avoid two things...1. Comparing - with others 2. Expecting - from other Life will be more beautiful!!

Dr Abdul Kalaam........"It Is Very Easy To Defeat Someone,But It Is Very Hard To Win Some

"Never Play With The Feelings of Others Because You May Win The Game But The Risk Is That You Will Surely Lose The Person For A Life Time".

William Arthur......... "Opportunities Are Like Sunrises, If You
Wait Too Long You Can Miss Them".

"Laughing Faces Do Not Mean That There Is
Absence Of Sorrow! But It Means That They Have The Ability To Deal With It".

"When You Are In The Light, Everything Follows You,But When You Enter Into The Dark, Even Your Own Shadow Doesn't Follow You."

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